This past weekend, I was able to accomplish something that, for lack of better wording, is on my "Bucket List." I went to Amsterdam.
I've heard stories of what a fun, beautiful city it is, and always wanted to visit. A friend on the trip previously asked me why I wanted to visit Amsterdam so badly, and unable to describe exactly why to her, I just said, "I've always wanted to go there. It seems so different." I wanted to experience the culture, the msytery and the history of Amsterdam. It was a place that held so much interest to me, just because I had never been able to see something like it before.
Luckily, for just €44 roundtrip, we were able to catch a train. Arriving at 8:30 p.m. Friday evening, we immediately took a taxi cab to our hostel. The hostel was very nice. In fact, the beds were more comfortable there than in my flat. I wanted to steal the mattress.
That evening, the four of us that had ventured to Amsterdam for the weekend (myself, Sara, Maria and Lindsay) met up with another group of six girls. Two of the girls go to Mizzou but are currently studying in Florence, Italy. The other three were friends of those girls. One, as it turns out, was a Theta at U of I! Small world. All nine of us went to dinner (we got was the first time I've had salsa since leaving the US!). Then, we proceded to venture around the small area called Liedsegracht. It was a beautiful part of town.
Saturday was full of sightseeing. We got up early that morning to enjoy pancakes (a Dutch specialty) and wonder around the city. I was able to see the Anne Frank house, which was an eye-opening experience. It was the house in Amsterdam that the Frank family actually inhabited while in hiding during World War II. This was easily one of my favorite parts of the trip. It was so interesting, and yet, so awe-inspiring. I can't imagine being confined to that space for years, and not being able to even look outside. One of the coolest parts of visiting the museum was that we were able to see the actual diary in which Anne Frank wrote. It was the red, checkered book she was given, with her writing inside. It was absolutely amazing. That evening, we walked around the Red Light District. It was an interesting experience to say the least. We felt as though you can't visit Amsterdam without walking around the famous Red Light District!
Sunday, we did more sightseeing and museum hunting. We went to the "I amsterdam" sign and took tons of pictures, as well as to the Rijks Museum, which basically holds mementos from Dutch history and culture. Inside, my favorite room in the museum was one displaying dollhouses from the late 17th century. These were replicas of actual houses in Amsterdam at the time. It was a status symbol for a woman to have a miniature replica of her home displayed inside. They were gorgeous, and very unlike the Playmobile dollhouses we played with when we were little. Though, I am sure Playmobile was a bit more durable.
Here are some pictures from our adventures in The Netherlands (another country to add to my list!).

Four of us girls in a wooden shoe! It was just sitting in the middle of a sidewalk, so we decided to hop in and take a picture! From the back left, Catherine, me, Katie (the U of I Theta) and Sara.
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