Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'll Miss...Traveling

Two weeks from today, I will by waiting patiently to go to Gareth's house for our last class/send off dinner. I am not ok with this because, if you missed out on that first part, it's in TWO WEEKS. That's 14 days. That equals out to 5 days at the Bulletin. If you aren't getting my drift, that's REALLY SOON.

I'm not quite ready for this program to be over. In the mean time, I'm going to mention one more thing that I will miss when I return to the States: traveling.

Over the course of the past four months, I have been to Spain, France, Ireland, the UK (twice), Holland, and, of course, Belgium. During the remainder of my time, I'll head to Italy (twice), Croatia, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic and Germany. How is it possible that my life is so great? I'm so incredibly happy that I've been and will be able to see all of these places. I love having the ability to catch a train to just about anywhere in Europe. I love finding round trip flights for €60. I love seeing knew places. This isn't to say, though, that I'm not going to road trip to XYZ in America, I'm just's different. Still, it's a little different to go to Paris for the weekend than it is to go to Indiana.

As for now, I've got to pack for Italy. I'm going to meet my two roommates from school for a weekend...

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